DPSIR model for assessing the state of the environment

Iryna ZAMULA (zamulairina@gmail.com)
Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, (Ukraine)
Olena SHAVURSKA (shavurska3005@gmail.com)
Zhytomyr trade and economic professional college (Ukraine)


An analysis of the current ecological state of the Poliskyi region of Ukraine was carried out, environmental problems of the region caused by the war were identified. The post-war recovery of Ukraine should be based on the principles of sustainable development and the use of advanced environmental tools, which will ensure the country’s environmental security.
With the help of the DPSIR model, indicators for measuring the state of environmental security at the regional level have been identified and structured. 5 groups of indicators are proposed for determining the state of environmental security at the regional level.
Keywords: environmental safety, environmental problems, environment, regional development, SWOT analysis, competitive advantages, sustainable development.
JEL: O 13, Q 20, R 10, R 58.

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RRS Supliment nr. 11/2023