Tatiana GUTIUM, Scientific researcher (gutium.tatiana1@gmail.com)
National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova
State policy in the field of foreign economic activity aims at developing a system of measures of a legislative, executive and control nature, pointed at regulating imports and exports with foreign countries. There is an acute problem of improving the trade policy of the Republic of Moldova in order to promote exports and expand sales markets. Moldova has not yet accumulated significant experience in this area, which, combined with a weak legal framework, creates difficulties in organizing trade policy to ensure the trade interests of Moldovan businesses. This study is based on a SWOT analysis, and its main purpose is to substantiate the main objectives of strategies, state programs focused on improving foreign trade policy. Author proposed to develop and implement strategies that would include the following four general objectives: supporting the growth of export potential; improving the quality of domestic goods; increasing the quality of infrastructure and logistics efficiency; development of electronic commerce.
Key words: foreign trade, export, import, SWOT analysis, trade policy.
JEL: F13, F15, F19.
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