Some Aspects Regarding the Inflation Evolution During the Last Period

Assoc. prof. Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL PhD.
“Artifex”University of Bucharest
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD.
Bucharest University of Economic Studies“, Artifex”University of Bucharest
Prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD.
“Artifex”University of Bucharest


This paper develops on the evolution of the consumer prices, that give the measure of inflation. The case study is based on the situation of the Romanian economy. One of the main phenomena that affects a national economy is the inflation, therefore the authors considered that a thorough analysis of the situation in Romania, based on official data, is useful both from the theoretical and practical viewpoints.
In this paper, the authors started from the old definition of the inflation, considered a process to multiply additional money without any correlation of the increase in output (production).
On the other hand, the economists considered that we get nominal and real prices. That means that from one period to another, the price for the same good is different. Starting from tat theoretical aspect, we used the data published by the National Institute of Statistics in order to show how the modification of the prices changed the nominal prices in real prices. Normally, the increase of prices leads to the need for more money for persons in order to satisfy their need for consumption.

Key words: inflation, prices, manufacture, goods, industry, agriculture, services

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Sumar RRSS 8/2016