Revista Română de Statistică Supliment 9/2016

Tipologia şi nivelul unor erori cauzate de efectul de simpatie sau empatie în prelevarea eşantionului
Typology and level of a number of errors caused by the effect of sympathy and empathy in sampling
Prof. univ. dr. habil. Gheorghe SĂVOIU
Conf. univ. dr. Emil BURTESCU
Lector univ. dr. Marian ȚAICU
Ec. Adelina-Suzana MARINA

Impactul absorbţiei fondurilor europene în asigurarea macrostabilităţii
Impact of EU funds absorption in ensuring macro stability
Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru Manole
Dr. Diana Dumitrescu
Dr. Daniel Dumitrescu

Rolul băncilor în absorbţia fondurilor europene pentru menţinerea macrostabilităţii
Role of banks in in European funds absorptionto maintain macroeconomic stability
Conf. univ. dr. Madalina Anghel
Dr. Diana Dumitrescu
Dr. Daniel Dumitrescu
Drd. Georgiana Nita

Contribuţia statelor membre la finanţarea proiectelor europene
Contribution of member states to European financing
Conf. Univ. Dr. Madalina Anghel
Dr. Diana Dumitrescu
Dr. Daniel Dumitrescu

Theoretical considerations regarding risk analysis models
Assoc. prof. Madalina Anghel PhD.
Assoc. prof. Aurel Diaconu PhD.
Marius Popovici PhD. Student

Analysis models for the financial risk
Prof. Alexandru Manole PhD.
Assoc. prof. Madalina Anghel PhD.
Emilia Stanciu PhD. Student
Alexandru Badiu PhD. Student

Significant aspects regarding the analysis of bankruptcy risk
Prof. Constantin Anghelache PhD.
Prof. Alexandru Manole PhD.
Assoc. prof. Madalina Anghel PhD.
Lecturer Mugurel Popovici PhD.
Marius Popovici PhD. Student

The analysis of correlation between the GDP and the Gross Income
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHE
Drd. Cristina SACALĂ

Multiple linear regression used to analyse the corelation between GDP and some variables
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Anghelache
Drd. Cristina Sacală

The Role of Information to Market Study
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Prof. Radu Titus MARINESCU PhD
Bodo Gyorgy PhD Student
Ihab Jweida S J JWEIDA
Andreea-Ioana MARINESCU PhD Student