Revista Română de Statistică Supliment 4/2013

[RRS Supliment 4/2013 – paginile 1-104] | [RRS Supliment 4/2013 – paginile 105-201]


The Gross Domestic Product Evolution by the End of June 2013
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Lecturer Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL PhD
Cristina SACALĂ PhD Student

Dimitrie Cantemir – The First Shaper of Romanian Statistical Thinking
Assoc. prof. Gheorghe SĂVOIU, PhD
Assoc. prof. Constantin MANEA, PhD

Providing Financial Market Macro Stability
Prof. Vergil VOINEAGU PhD
Daniel I. DUMITRESCU PhD Student
Diana V. SOARE PhD Student

Evolution of GDP and Foreign Investments
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE PhD
Lecturer Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL PhD
Adina Mihaela DINU PhD Student

Model of Portfolios Analysis
Lecturer Mădălina – Gabriela Anghel PhD

Considerations on the legal regime of the unincorporated business forms in Romania
Assoc. prof. Anca POPESCU-CRUCERU PhD

The Inflation (Consumer Prices) Evolution
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Prof. Constantin MITRUŢ PhD
Assoc. prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD
Adina Mihaela DINU PhD Student

The Structure of the Capital Market in Romania
Lecturer Mădălina – Gabriela ANGHEL PhD

Legal Personality of Single Member Limited Liability Company
Graduate Ass. Eugenia-Gabriela LEUCIUC Phd Student

The Industrial Production Indices
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Alexandru URSACHE PhD Student
Georgeta LIXANDRU (BARDAȘU) PhD Student

From the History of Cooperative Thinking – Professor Ion Răducanu. Cooperative Movement on the Road to Self –Determination

Some Aspects of Entrepreneurial Behavior
Prof. Mircea UDRESCU PhD

The Evolution of Agriculture Production
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Prof. Radu Titus MARINESCU PhD
Assoc. prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD
Lecturer Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL PhD

Does Firm Size Affect the Firm Profitability? Empirical Evidence from Romania
Prof. Georgeta VINTILǍ PhD
Floriniţa DUCA PhD Student

Defining Public Debt and External Debt and Revealing Their Statistical Trends and Econometric Models
Gheorghe SĂVOIU

The International Trade by the End of June 2013
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE PhD
Daniel DUMITRESCU PhD Student
Georgeta LIXANDRU (BARDAȘU) PhD Student

Companies’ Role in the Evolution of the Romanian Economy in the Period 2011-2013
Andreea Gabriela BALTAC, Ph.D Student
Zoica DINCĂ (NICOLA), Ph.D Student

The Major Macroeconomic Evolutions
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD
Adina Mihaela DINU PhD Student
Bogdan DRAGOMIR PhD Student
Andreea Gabriela BALTAC PhD Student

Costs Regarding Quality: Definition and Importance
Assoc. prof. Sorin Gabriel GRESOI PhD

Fraud and Tax Evasion in Romania VAT
Assoc. prof. Raluca Andreea MIHALACHE PhD

The Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights via the Principle of Indivisibility of Human Rights – An Illustration: The Right to Food
Assist. Cristina SÂMBOAN PhD Student

The Methodology of Elaboration of the Production Account for Financial Activities in Accordance With SNA – 2008
Olga SÎRBU PhD Student

Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism Using Econometric Models
Simion MIJA, PhD. Candidate

Statistical Modeling Methods in Automobile Insurance
Elena BURLACU PhD Student

The Impact of the Financial World Crisis on Romania’s Tax Burden
Ioana-Laura ŢIBULCĂ PhD Student
Prof. Georgeta VINTILĂ PhD

Innovations Financed by Polish Enterprises from SME Sector
Prof. Janusz GRABARA PhD

Analysis of the Correlation between Investment and SMEs Turnover in Territorial Structure
Zoica DINCĂ (NICOLA) PhD Student
Assoc. prof. Florin Paul Costel LILEA PhD

Considerations on Air Quality in South Dobrogea. Analysis of Climatic Conditions and the Emission of Greenhouse Gases
Assistant Elena GRIGORE PhD

Utilizarea indicatorilor gender în analiza activităţilor socio-economice
Conf. univ. dr. Elena CARA

ECONODYNAMIC SURVEY – Economic applicative research. INFLATION and DEFLATION – Norms/types (Suggestions, points of view)

Marketingul – element esenţial pentru dezvoltarea ulterioară a jurnalismului sportiv
Asistent univ. drd. Cristian GHENA

[RRS Supliment 4/2013 – paginile 1-104] | [RRS Supliment 4/2013 – paginile 105-201]