Revista Română de Statistică Supliment 11/2014

Produsul Intern Brut în trimestrul III 2014
Gross Domestic Product in the third quarter of 2014

Measurement and Statistical Analysis Of the Components Of Quality in Statistics
PhD Student Anna Alexandra FRUNZA
PhD Professor Vergil VOINEAGU
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

Disparitate şi specificitate a preţurilor la consumator
Dr. Vasile V. Dumitrescu

Indicele preţurilor de consum în luna octombrie 2014
The Consumer Price Index in October 2014

Factors related to neuropsychological deficits in ADHD children
MD S. Drugă
Mindcare Center for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Bucharest, Romania
Clinical Psychologist Lidia Sacală
Mindcare Center for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Bucharest, Romania

Sistemul educaţional în anul şcolar/universitar 2013-2014
Educational system in the school/academic year 2013-2014

Factors that Influence the Adoption of Online Banking Services in Hyderabad
Assistant Professor Faiz M. Shaikh
Assistant Professor Zahid Hussain Kazi
Assistant Professor Dr. Ambreen Khaskheley
University of Sindh-Jamshoro

Time Series Analysis of Micro Credit and its impact on SMEs business Growth and Alleviating Poverty in Rural Sindh
PhD. Ghul Murtaza Mailo
Shah Abdul latif University Khairpur
Assistant Professor Ali Hassan Halepoto
SALU-Khairpur Mirs
Assistant Professor Abdul Sattar Shah
IBA-University of Sindh-Jamshoro