Modele demografice trans-, inter- şi multidisciplinare
Demographic Trans-, Inter- And Multidisciplinary Models
Dr. habil. Gheorghe Săvoiu
Dr. Silviu Petre
Structural analysis of foreign trade of Romania
Prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD.
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD.
Ihab Jweida SJ JWEIDA PhD. Student
Radu STOICA PhD. Student
Emilia STANCIU PhD. Student
Analiza evoluţiei investiţiilor de capital în România
Analysis of the evolution of capital investment in Romania
Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela ANGHELACHE
Conf. univ. dr. Mirela PANAIT
Evoluţia serviciilor turistice în România
The evolution of tourism services in Romania
Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru MANOLE
Conf. univ. dr. Aurelian DIACONU
Lector univ. dr. Mugurel POPOVICI
Lector univ. dr. Marian SFETCU
Utilizarea modelului de regresie liniară în analiza corelaţiei dintre Produsul Intern Brut şi Consumul final individual efectiv al gospodăriilor populaţiei
Using the linear regression model in order to analyse the correlation between the Gross Domestic Product and the household effective individual final consumption
Lector univ. dr. Marian SFETCU
Drd. Andreea – Ioana MARINESCU
Remitenţele migranţilor – o sursă importantă şi stabilă de fonduri externe, în dezvoltarea economică a unei ţări
Migrants remittances – an important and stable source of external funds, in the economic development of a country
Prof.univ. dr. Constantin Anghelache
Drd. Olivia Georgiana Niță
Drd. Alexandru Badiu
The Analysis of International Trade of Romania
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD.
Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE PhD.
Assoc. Prof. Mirela PANAIT PhD
Ihab Jweida SJ JWEIDA PhD. Student
Cultural aspects of the challenges of the sustainability of the medium-sized cities in the region of Southern Transdanubia, Hungary
Eszter Barakonyi
Ivan Zadori
Theoretical aspects regarding systemic risk and managerial decisions during the crisis
Prof. Constantin Anghelache PhD.
Bodó György PhD Student,
Digital Competencies and Career Orientation in the 21st Century: Hungarian Labor Market Approach
Zsolt Nemeskéri
János Szellő
Iván Zádori
Eszter Barakonyi
The Analyse of the Labor Force Resources Market
Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE PhD.
Prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD.
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD.
Cristina SACALĂ PhD.
Analiza indicelui preţurilor de consum al populaţiei relevă o temperare prin măsuri fiscale
Analysis of index prices of population consumption reveals a moderation through fiscal measures
Conf. univ. dr. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHE
Drd. Tudor SAMSON
Drd. Radu STOICA
Studiu comparativ privind evoluţia indicatorului Produsului Intern Brut
Comparative study of the evolution of the Gross Domestic Product indicator
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHE
Conf. univ. dr. Aurelian DIACONU
Drd. Andreea Ioana MARINESCU
Drd. Marius POPOVICI
Analiza statistică a situaţiei pensionarilor
Statistical analysis of the pensioners condition
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHE
Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru MANOLE
Drd. Marius POPOVICI
Drd. Emilia STANCIU
Modelul contribuţiilor voluntare – studiu privind completarea vechimii in muncă
The Voluntary Contributions Model – Study Regarding the Completion Of The Length Of Service
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHE
Lector univ.dr.ANA CARP