Revista Română de Statistică 1/2017

Evaziunea fiscală în România
Drd. Adrian Amarița

Asymmetric information in case of decision under risk
Prof. Constantin Anghelache PhD.
Bodó György PhD. Student
Andreea Ioana Marinescu PhD. Student

Efectul preţului asupra cererii de consum a populaţiei
The price effect on population consumption demand
Assoc. prof. Aurelian DIACONU PhD.
Lecturer Mugur POPOVICI PhD.
Maria MIREA PhD. Student
Tudor SAMSON PhD. Student

Impactul evoluţiei inflaţiei asupra consumului
The impact of inflation’s evolution on consumption
Lecturer Marian SFETCU PhD.
Marius POPOVICI PhD. Student
Emilia STANCIU PhD. Student

Model de analiză a plasamentelor financiare şi a execuţiei bugetare a României în 2016
Analysis model of financial placements and budget execution of Romania in 2016
Prof. Gabriela Victoria Anghelache PhD.
Assoc. prof. Mirela Panait PhD.
Prof. Radu – Titus Marinescu PhD.

Impact of Remittances on Financial Development and Economic Growth
Assoc. prof. Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL PhD
Georgiana NIȚĂ, PhD Student,
Alexandru BADIU, PhD Student

Economic Circuit – Elements of macroeconomic Activity Flows
Prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD.
Radu STOICA PhD. Student
Ihab Jweida SJ JWEIDA PhD. Student

Aspecte teoretice privind conturile macroeconomice – conţinut şi structură
Theoretical aspects regarding macroeconomic accounts – contents and structure
Lecturer  Ana CARP PhD.
Assistant Diana Valentina DUMITRESCU PhD.
Doina AVRAM  PhD. Student
Doina BUREA PhD. Student