Model de analiză financiar-monetară

Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHE
Academia de Studii Economice, Bucureşti, Universitatea „ARTIFEX”din Bucureşti
Conf univ. dr. Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL
Universitatea „ARTIFEX”din Bucureşti
Drd. Marius POPOVICI
Academia de Studii Economice, Bucureşti


In acest articol, autorii propun un model de analiză pentru sectorul financiar-monetar al economiei naţionale. Modelul ia în considerare indicatorii incluşi în balanţa băncii centrale, precum şi conţinutul balanţei agregate: activele şi pasivele interne şi externe, componentele acestora, specifice băncilor centrale, împrumuturile guvernamentale şi împrumuturile acordate băncilor comerciale (active), componentele bazei monetare, depozitele guvernamentale (pasive).

Cuvinte cheie: bilanţ, active, pasive, model, baza monetară

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Financial-monetary analysis model


In this paper, the authors propose an analysis model for the financial-monetary sector of a national economy. The model takes into consideration the indicators included in the balance of the central bank, and also the contents of the aggregate balance: external and internal assets and liabilities, and their components, specific to the central banks, as government loans and loans granted to commercial banks (assets), the components of monetary base, the government deposits (liabilities)

Key words: balance, assets, liabilities, model, monetary base

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Sumar RRSS 7/2016