Lecturer Marian SFETCU PhD.
“ARTIFEX” University of Bucharest
Marius POPOVICI PhD. Student
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Emilia STANCIU PhD. Student
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
În acest articol, autorii analizează impactul inflaţiei asupra consumului populaţiei. Studiul include o prezentare a conceptelor teoretice din sfera temei abordate, respectiv cererea de consum, preţul, decizia de cumpărare, structura cheltuielilor totale, efectul de venit. Se acordă o atenţie specială analizei veniturilor populaţiei, care constituie resursa pe baza căreia are loc consumul. De asemenea, autorii se preocupă de evaluarea indicatorilor consumului populaţiei şi al indicatorilor care măsoară inflaţia.
Cuvinte cheie: inflaţie, consum, cerere, produse, cheltuieli
Clasificare JEL: E31, E21
The impact of inflation’s evolution on consumption
In this article, the authors analyze the impact of inflation on household consumption. The study includes an overview on the theoretical concepts in this field, namely based on consumer’s demand, price, buying decision, the structure of total expenses and the income effect. The authors are also concerned with the assessment of the household consumption and the indicators which measure the inflation.
Key words: inflation, consumption, demand, products, expenses
JEL Classification : E31, E21