Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Prof. Alexandru MANOLE PhD
„ARTIFEX” University of Bucharest
Prof. Gabriela ANGHELACHE PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Drd. Oana Georgiana NIŢĂ
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Abordarea tradiţională a dezvoltării modelelor macroeconometrice a avut în vedere estimarea unei ecuaţii odată şi stabilirea simultană a rezultatelor. Acest aspect este valabil şi pentru submodele. Operaţiunile nu au fost întotdeauna însoţite de verificarea adecvării procedurilor. Parametrii unor ecuaţii pot fi estimaţi utilizând metodele de probabilitate maximă cu informaţii limitate, dar parametrii altor ecuaţii vor rămâne nerestrictionaţi.
Este cunoscut faptul că metodele cu informaţii limitate au fost mai puternice faţă de ecuaţiile eronat specificate din sistem. Acest fapt a fost verificat mai ales în situaţiile în care au existat teorii mai bune sau informaţii demne de încredere despre o submulţime de variabile. La baza adoptării metodelor ce vizează informaţii limitate au stat anumite considerente practice, scopul fiind simplificarea calculelor, prin eliminarea complexităţii specifice metodelor bazate pe informaţii complete (probabilitatea maximă bazată pe informaţii complete).
Cuvinte cheie: parametri, ecuaţie, şomaj, submodel, subsistem
Theoretical Elements Regarding the Modelling Through the Sub-Systems Combining
The traditional approach of the macroeconomic models development took into consideration the estimation of an equation one time and the simultaneous setting up of the results. This aspect is valid for sub-models as well. The operations were not always accompanied by the adequate checking of the procedures. The parameters of an equation may be estimated by utilizing the methods of maximum probability with limited information but the parameters of other equations would remain un-restricted. It is well-known the fact that the methods with limited information have been stronger as against the equations wrongly-specified from the system. This fact was verified mainly in the situations when there have been better information or trustful information concerning a sub-multitude of variables. Adopting the methods regarding the limited information was based on certain practical considerations, the goal consisting of the calculations simplification by eliminating the complexity typical to the methods grounded on complete information (maximum probability based on complete information).
Key words: parameters, equation, unemployment, sub-model, sub-system