Prof. Mircea UDRESCU PhD
„Carol I” Defence National University
In 2008, when most economically advanced countries over the world were struggling against the financial crisis that later on triggered the global economic crisis , the Romanian decision-makers were giving positive signals by encouraging non-productive consumption and were competing in promising salary increase up to even 50%, in certain cases. Unfortunately, the economic and financial crisis did reach us and found us totally unprepared (as usual) to respond to it. Currently, when most neighboring countries are taking small steps along the development path, we would like to suggest the following defining elements that may be taken into account when a crisis management strategy is defined: improved ethical values in governance and removal of hypocrisy; science, order and responsibility instead of free will choices; designing of the consumption demand pattern according to the domestic goods and services supply pattern; defining of urgent priorities; rigour in collecting revenues; full transparency regarding public expenditure; all efforts focused on sustainable development